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$220. Size: H. 76CM. W. 23CM D. 23CM Materials: Old found table leg, red pine from broken door, slats from old pantry door. leather from opp shop, found wood from opp shop and tip. Acrylic paint
$440 for pair. Size: H. 67CM. W.30 CM D. 30CM Materials: Pieces from old church from Margie and Stewie, bed end from opp shop leather from opp shop, found wood from opp shop and tip. Acrylic paint
$157. Size: H.28 CM. W. 40 CM D.12 CM Materials: Birdseye offcut from Manfred, found wood from tip and opp shop. Leather handbag from opp shop, Acrylic paint
$184. Size: H. 38CM. 47W. CM D. 18CM Materials: Old clock case from clock shop Bairnsdale, found wood from opp shop and tip.
Acrylic on Canvas 60cm x 30cm